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    Product Portfolio

    Driver's PA Insurance


    Owning a motor vehicle is simple but we cannot prevent motor accidents. Sign up for this insurance plan to cover yourself, your family, your passengers and your driver for the expenses incurred after a motor accident.


    • Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement

      • Covers death or permanent disability whilst driving, riding as a passenger, boarding or alighting from a vehicle.

    • Medical Expenses

      • Covers medical and hospital expenses incurred per person in respect of any one accident.

    • Funeral and Cremation Expenses

      • Up to RM2,000 per person as a result of accidental death.

    • Bereavement Allowance

      • RM500 - in the event of an accident.

    • Ambulance Fees

      • Up to the amount of RM500 in the event of an accident involving your vehicle.

    • Hospital Income

      • Cash benefit up to RM50 per day for a maximum of 60 days due to an accident involving your vehicle.

    • Accidental Facial / Dental Cosmetic Surgery

      • Up to RM1,000 for expenses incurred for treatment or reconstructive surgery of facial / neck or damage to teeth due to an accident involving your vehicle.

    • Double Indemnity

      • Up to RM70,000 for accident occurs during a nationwide Malaysian public holidays involving your vehicle.

    • For Insured who are Individual Private Vehicle Owners, the cover is extended to include the Insured, his/her spouse and children whilst:

      • Boarding, alighting, driving or travelling in any private vehicle other than motorcycles and/or scooters.

      • As a pedestrian in an accident involving any road vehicle and railway train.

      • Travelling as a fare-paying passenger on any railway train, licensed ferry boat or cruise ship within the Territorial Limit.*

    * Territorial Limit: Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam.


    For Private Vehicles

    • Maximum age limit of insured person is 70 years.

    • Children below 12 years of age are entitled only to 50% of the benefits.


    For Commercial Vehicles

    • Age limit of insured person is between 16 to 65 years.

    • Children below 16 years are excluded.

    General Exclusions

    • War and related risks.

    • Government Regulations or Acts of Authorities.

    • Hazardous sports including parachuting, hang-gliding, mountaineering, pot-holing or rock climbing.

    • Suicide, self-inflicted injury or wilful exposure to peril (other than in an attempt to save a human life).

    • Pregnancy, childbirth, physical or mental defect or infirmity.

    • AIDS, AIDS related complex (ARC) or sexually-transmitted diseases.

    • Influence of alcohol unless alcohol was not a factor contributing to the happening of the injury.

    • Vehicle used for racing, speed-testing, hire, road rallying.

    • Accidents outside the Territorial Limit/Geographical Area.

    • Drivers who do not hold a valid driver's licence.

    • Act of Terrorism


    Important Notes

    • Applicable only to private or commercial registered vehicles which are insured under comprehensive motor cover with MSIG.

    • You are entitled to purchase cover for one selected plan of this Driver's Personal Accident Insurance only.
    • Coverage of the number of passengers is based on seating capacity of the vehicle.

    • Compensation will be made in addition to other policies.

    • Compensation will be made whether the driver is negligent or not.

    • Territorial Limits - Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam.

    • The insurance shall not be effective unless the premium payable has been paid.

    • The description of cover is a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The precise terms and conditions that apply are in the Policy Document.

    • You can request to view the actual insurance policy before you sign up.


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