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    Driver's PA Insurance Calculator

    Browse the benefits table below or choose a plan to view the breakdown of the premium.

    Benefits Private Vehicle
    Plan A (RM) Plan B (RM)
    Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disablement 10,000 25,000
    Permanent Partial Disablement 5,000 12,500
    Loss of All Toes 1,500 3,750
    Medical Expenses (per person) 500 1,250
    Funeral and Cremation Expenses 2,000 2,000

    Annual Premium
    Seating Capacity (including driver) Plan A (RM) Plan B (RM)
    4 50 115
    5 60 135
    6 70 165
    Each additional seat 15 30

    Additional RM10 stamp duty payable for each policy.

    No. of Seats   

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    Home Assist 1-300-880-863
    Motor Assist 1-300-880-833
    MSIG Assist
      Travel, OSI 603-7965-3930
      Healthcare 603-7628-3980