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    News Detail


    A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has infected thousands since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, coughing, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. As travellers, you are rightly concerned about the spread of the virus. We have prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions in relation to your MSIG TravelRight Plus in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak.


    Single Trip - For insurance purchased before 23 January 2020
    Annual Cover - For insurance purchased and trip booked before 23 January 2020


    1. How am I covered with the MSIG TravelRight Plus policy when it comes to a situation like this?

    Before commencement of journey:
    If you are confirmed to have been infected by COVID-19 (resulting in hospitalisation or death before your journey), the policy will cover for travel cancellation, provided you had purchased it no later than 7 days before your journey began.

    During the journey:
    If you are confirmed to have been infected by COVID-19 during your journey, the policy will cover:
    - medical expenses
    - emergency medical evacuation
    - travel curtailment
    - repatriation of mortal remains


    2. Are there any benefits claimable if I decide to cancel or shorten my trip due to the COVID-19 outbreak?

    No, there are no provisions under Travel Cancellation or Travel Curtailment to cover the disinclination to travel in view of the COVID-19 outbreak.


    3. Does the insurance cover the additional costs incurred if I would like to reschedule my trip or flight before the journey?

    No, there are no provisions to cover the additional costs incurred if you would like to reschedule your trip or flight before the journey.


    4. Are there any benefits claimable if there is a travel restriction and I am unable to enter my destination due to COVID-19?

    No benefit would be claimable as it would fall under policy General Exception 1(d):
    delay, confiscation, detention, requisition, damage, destruction, or any prohibitive regulation by Customs or other Government Officials or Authorities of any country.


    Single Trip - For insurance purchased before 23 January 2020 onwards          
    Annual Cover - For insurance purchased and trip booked before 23 January 2020


    5. Is my travel insurance valid if I had purchased on or after 23 January 2020?

    If the insurance is purchased on or after 23 January 2020, our policy does not cover claims for losses caused by an event that was known at the time of purchasing. Hence, cover is not available for claims in relation to COVID-19. This is stated under General Exception 2(e) - claims caused by reason which is of public knowledge when the insurance is purchased or when the trip is booked.

    6. <Update> I would like to cancel my trip, can I cancel my travel insurance?

    If you are travelling to China, Hong Kong or Macau, we will accommodate the cancellation of your Single Trip travel insurance with premium refund for journeys that are commencing 07 February 2020 to 23 March 2020 subject to submission of your flight ticket. Premium refund is not applicable to Annual Cover.


    7. <Update> I would like to reschedule my trip to a later date, will I need to buy travel insurance again?

    We will accommodate requests to amend the travel date of your Single Trip travel insurance if there is postponement or deferment for journeys commencing 13 March 2020 to 31 August 2020 subject to the following:-

    a) You must inform MSIG of your intention to postpone the trip before the commencement of your trip.

    b) You must provide the details of your new travel arrangement for endorsement of cover on the insurance certificate

    c) Your insurance will lapse if the Insured does not replace and commence the trip by 31 December 2020. Additional  
         premium may be applicable for extension of travel duration or change of geographical area.

    d) Only a one-time amendment is allowed.

    e) If you opt for this option, there will be no refund of premium.

    For Annual Cover, do ensure that the travel dates of your rescheduled trip falls within the period of insurance of your policy.

    This postponement is only applicable to the current COVID-19 outbreak and should not be taken as a precedent for future cases.


    8. <Update> My trip to China, Hong Kong, Macau or other countries has been cancelled by the tour agency or airline, can I cancel my policy?

    Yes, you may cancel your policy. Please provide documentation by the tour agency or airline confirming the trip cancellation. We shall refund the premium paid accordingly.

    This is applicable to Single Trip only and for trips commencing within the period 13 March 2020 to 31 August 2020.



    Travel Postponement for Single Trip Travel Insurance


    Journey Commencement Destination Condition

    13 March 2020 to
    31 August 2020

    All countries

    • Rescheduled trip to commence before
      31 December 2020



    Policy Cancellation for Single Trip Travel Insurance

    Journey Commencement

    Destination Documentations required for premium refund
    07 February 2020 to
    23 March 2020
    China, Hong Kong, Macau
    • Flight Ticket
    13 March 2020 to
    31 August 2020
    All countries
    • Confirmation of trip cancellation by tour agency
    • Confirmation of flight cancellation by airlines




    "Journey", as outlined by your policy document, refers to a trip that commences when you leave your home or workplace in Malaysia (whichever is the later) for a direct journey to the intended destination and ends when you return to Malaysia. It ends either:

    a) after 24 hours upon your arrival in Malaysia,
    b) upon reaching your home or workplace in Malaysia (whichever is the earlier),
    c) expiry of the Period of Insurance.

    Other policy limits, terms, conditions and exclusions still apply.

    For more information, please refer to the policy booklet for full details, or contact our Customer Service team at 1-800-88-MSIG (6744) or myMSIG@my.msig-asia.com

  • Need a Quotation?

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    Estimate your premiums here.

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    Home Assist 1-300-880-863
    Motor Assist 1-300-880-833
    MSIG Assist
      Travel, OSI 603-7965-3930
      Healthcare 603-7628-3980